
THE PARK OF MEMORY-Funeral and Cremation Services Limited Liability Company seated in Ruda Śląska at ul. Krańcowa 5 provides the following services:

Transport of the Body

The Transport of the Body - from home or hospital. The transport usually takes place from the place of demise to the seat of our company in Ruda Śląska at ul. Krańcowa 5. The Park of Memory provides services all over Poland. After receiving a telephone order from the area of Upper Silesia, we come to collect the body as soon as possible, also at night.

Cold-Storage Facility

The company owns modern cold-storage facilities which allow for long-term storage of the body.

Dissection Room

Dissection Room equipped with a professional table for washing and dressing as well as for performing the posthumous cosmetic treatment of the body; there is also a possibility of performing professional postmortem examination.


Our Master`s Resurrection Chapel is suitable for performing funeral service and saying funeral mass.


Multi-creed Chapel with professional sound system and lighting with possibility of multimedia presentation of life of the deceased. The auditorium is used for performing the last farewell ceremony before the cremation. In Auditorium, the entry of the coffin into the cremation facility can be watched on a large screen.


It is possible to purchase flowers, bouquets, wreaths and candles against order or immediately before the ceremony.


The family gathers there before or after the ceremony. Coffee, tea, non-alcoholic beverages and traditional Silesian pastry called KOŁOCZ are served in our café. We organize funeral banquets against special order.


Our company has a cemetery at its disposal, where the burial of urns takes place in ground graves and columbarium. It is also possible to bury the deceased in a traditional way.

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