
Memory Park - Ruda Śląska

THE PARK OF MEMORY provides comprehensive funeral and cremation services. The company owns one of the most modern premises in Europe. The premises include the most modern equipment for incineration, chapel and auditorium- hall with professional lighting and sound system for multimedial presentations of the life of the deceased. There is also a florist`s and a café. THE PARK OF MEMORY offers a wide range of funerary urns (various colours and shapes) and coffins. The company also offers a variety of cremation coffins made of ecological materials.

THE PARK OF MEMORY is situated in a quiet area. It is clearly visible from A-4 Motorway. The premises are surrounded with beautiful gardens. In the Park of Memory you can graves with funerary urns, columbarium with special niches for urns, as well as the Field of Memory. The company has its own means of transport and provides services in the whole territory of Poland.

Usługi pogrzebowe

Non-cash settlements of benefits with ZUS [Polis Social Insurance Institution]
Body transportation
By elegant hearses, at home and abroad
State-of-the-art equipment for cremation of corpses
In a traditional cemetery or in a columbarium
In the chapel or in the multi-faith hall
Autopsy and cosmetics
Own cold room and modern prosectorium
Sale of coffins
and urns
A wide range of products and decorations
Funeral services
Funeral receptions in a cozy cafe
Florist services
Flowers and wreaths - ready and custom made
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